
 College certainly was very challenging. I was challenged academic wise and I was also challenged in my own personality but, I changed for the best. This past year, time went by extremely fast and I wasn't sure if I was able to keep up with it all. In the beginning it felt like I was juggling balls and that they would always fall down. As I was struggling to juggle balls, I lost sense of who I was and the time just kept going by faster. I felt so lost. I kept trying and suddenly I wasn't lost anymore. I found peace in my drawing. Then I had friends who helped me understand better and I understood the flow of things. I knew that I was able to and I did!
  I've made wonderful friends this year who helped me understand myself better solely through their friendship alone. I have many beautiful memories of them and I am so thankful that they came into my life when they did. I am also glad with myself for venturing into the unknown. I came out a better person because of it. Through this experience I will remind myself that sometimes venturing into the unknown is better than staying in a situation I am not happy in.


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