
    Over the course of the past year or so people seem to have a false idea of who I am. I won't deny that I had a hard time this past year but, I never once showed it. I stayed the same as I have always been: kind and open heart-ed. However, that is not all that I am.      
    I feel that I am underestimated so much because of how kind I am to others. People seem to have the false impression that I am weak. YES I AM NICE but if you hurt me I am not afraid to walk away. I can and will find myself in a better situation. I have had to start over too many times to count and I can do it again. I just need myself to be happy and I don't want anybody to ever think otherwise. It may sound silly but the most important relationship to me is the one I have with myself. I learned to love myself and now that I have no one could ever take that away from me.
         Furthermore, I am not some crazy girl who has her guard up constantly. I practically wear my heart on my sleeve. I can open my heart up very easily to anybody and, I am not afraid of losing anything mainly because I know I can never lose myself. I love..hard. I always give my all into anything...whether that is with my friends, schoolwork, drawings, job..anything! I am not afraid to love. What upsets me is that people take advantage of me. I realize that they are taking advantage of me. I just prefer to not say anything because, I know that people make mistakes. But,one day I simply won't care. I have done it before. Even the most important person to me could have a suffocating effect on me and I will fucking leave. What's scary about that is that it's at a moments notice. I can leave without explanations. Words would be left unsaid and that would be it. Again, I am nice but, I can be mean in the most horrible way possible, with silence, and it would only happen if you exhausted me.
          That being said, I am not weak. I personally think I am brave for giving my whole heart to people knowing that I might be disappointed. I still take the risk. I see the best in people and I have the biggest hopes. I try and try and try.. time after time. I have been disappointed so many times but that doesn't ever stop me from trying!!  I can fall down so many times but, I WILL get up every time without fail. I am very optimistic about the people I meet and, even when they disappoint me it doesn't stop me. Like I said, I just start over. It's what I always do when I am unhappy with my life. It's not the end of the world.
         Furthermore, no amount of pain and disappointment will ever take away my happiness. I will find a way to be happy. I always do. My happiness doesn't depend on anybody. I allow people to join me while I am happy but, that doesn't necessarily mean I need them.It just means that I want them to join me. Wanting and Needing are two completely different things. So while I may be sad for whatever amount of time, know that I am already finding new ways to be happy. The world will not change who I am and I will never allow myself to become disillusioned by it.


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