
                 I am a Senior this year... So you know what that means! College Applications! I did really bad this year and I was not at the top of my game. I procrastinated a lot due to all of the stress I went through in the first semester. Not only that but, I had no idea how to apply to any college without official high school transcripts. My situation was odd because I moved before Senior year. It was a long process of waiting but, I finally got accepted into the only college I applied to so far... UT Arlington. I'll still apply to at least one other college but, it's more than likely that I'll go to UTA. I originally wanted to go to UT Austin but, I was not at the top 7% of my class and my SAT Scores were good (1520) but not UT Austin material. Also, the architecture competition was really high. So I investigated and I saw that UT Arlington had a good Architecture program. I was extremely happy to see that UT Arlington has an architecture program because, it's so close to home! It's only an hour away from where I currently live. UTA also helps the majority of their students with financial aid!
               One of the decisions I had to make is whether I should live on Campus or not. I have been pondering this decision for the past month. I would look at the benefits and drawback for both and, I could not make up my mind. I still can't. I could dive to UTA on the days I have classes. This worked well for one of my cousins, Silvia. She drives an hour to go to UNT from her house. She arranged her schedule so that she would only have to go 2 days out of the week. Also, I know this is really cheesy but, I really love my mom. I can't imagine not being with my mom. I see her everyday! Another thing is that I finally got my own room this year...If I leave, my younger brother, Santi, might get my room. I'm just so use to living where I currently live that I don't really want to give it up.
              However, if I live on Campus, I won't have to spend 2 hours out of day each day I have class just to drive. I'm not sure if I would really save money by living with my mom because, I would still have to pay for gas. Living on Campus would also cause me to learn how to live on my own. As you all may know I am very dependent on my mom..very. When I go off on my own I would have to learn. I know I may not be ready but, if I wait until I'm ready I'll spend my whole life waiting. Also, by living on campus I will be able to make new friends and have more time to develop myself on my own. I can learn a lot about myself by making my decisions on my own.
              I have another cousin, Alexis, who might go to college with me. He said that if he goes to UTA he might live off campus. He lives about as far from UTA as I do. I know that I shouldn't let other people's decisions affect my decision but, then again I think "If he can do it, so can I". Sooo again all of this only confuses me again. Plus he might not even go to UTA.
              Honestly, I still don't know what I'll end up doing. My parents support me on both decisions. I just don't know what to do. So for the moment I decided to apply to housing. If I decide that it isn't for me then I'll just opt out later on. Dorms are first come first serve and I don't want to lose an opportunity just because I couldn't make up  my mind.
                This whole college topic makes me feel really weird. For so long I have thought about college and it seems so unreal that it is around the corner. I can't believe it's finally here. I thought I was prepared but, I don't think I am anymore. There are only 90 days left until graduation and, I am freaking out. I am excited and nervous.. I am just all over the place. I am still confused about so many things and, I have to decide soon.
                Mostly, I am excited that I can start over again. I think I've been desperately needing change.


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